Category: "Business"


E-Business Essay E-business refers to the exchange of information and business transactions through an electronic medium, e-business includes companies that use the internet only as a medium of transaction, as well as companies that use the internet and old formats of business transactions e-business also consists of companies that research customers preferences, the information is…

Trademarks in the UAE

Trademarks in the UAE Essay Introduction Currently, the UAE is experiencing unprecedented economic growth coupled with the continued need to develop its infrastructure. As a result, foreign investors are increasingly considering UAE to be an attractive destination for investment. With the accession of the UAE to the World Trade Organization in 1996, the country has…

Virgin Atlantic Brand

Virgin Atlantic Brand Analysis In economics, market structures refer to the manner of organizations or the characteristics of a certain market. This often relates to the nature of pricing and competition in such a market. These aspects form the interconnected attributes of a market in terms of the capabilities of the sellers and the buyers,…